No Ciaras, No Jennas

Friday, November 23, 2007

Wow...its been a while

I fully realise that I am probably writing this to nobody but what they hey. Much, indeed much, has changed since the last (and only) post on this blog. So here's an update. Enda and Jenna are still expressing their love Kama Sutra style. Donny still likes hamburgers from Uno's. Actually - nothing much has changed.

This blog is going to set a new standard in blogging. It will be devoid of the other shite that pervades other blogs like...intelligent writing. I want this blog to consist wholly of filth. Iseman getting raped up the ass by a Shetaland sheepdog with rabies filth. I dont want people to hold back, it should be a place where people can publish their vitriol without fear of reprisal. And of course...No Ciara's and no Jennas.

Lets start things off. Enda you are a fat wench who because of cholesterol crammed up in your testicles will never be able to father children.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


We should be safe here!